The international competition of ideas is organised by the City Council of Lausanne at the Urban Garden Association.These bodies select the teams retained to design and create 25 gardens throughout the city throughout the Lausanne Jardins 2014 event.
The main aims are to :
Suggesting new ways of bringing planting into cities. Creating ways of building and installing new types of gardens including the possibility to move or transport gardens
Imagine new, inventive ways of making gardens, using the approach of creating prototypes which could be reused in other towns, using the Lausanne Gardens brand.
Encourage multi-disciplinary garden teams to take part, to create different ideas on the themes of the competition while remaining aware of and respecting the constraints inherent in working with plants.
Show and focus on all the stages in the design and making of a garden. This is as much for the public ahead of the event as for the groups of designers accepted to make the gardens.
Create walking routes around the city centre which provide a new look at the wide variety of the urban landscape as well as its architecture and history, and showing it off to its best advantage.
Highlight the wealth of architectural and landscaping heritage within the city of Lausanne and particularly the centre. And at the same time show people the hidden city outside the traditional scope of the city centre.
Chris Kabel - Designer (NL)
Agence TER - Paysagistes (F & D)
Robert Ireland - Artiste (CH)
Florence Germond - Conseillère Municipale, directrice du patrimoine vert (CH)
Natacha Litzistorf - Présidente Association Jardin urbain, Equiterre (CH)
Lorette Coen - Historienne du paysage, journaliste et essayiste (CH)
Alexis Georgacopoulos - Designer, directeur de l’ECAL, Lausanne (CH)
Chantal Prod’hom - Historienne de l’art, Directrice du Mudac, Lausanne (CH)
Adrien Rovero - Designer, Commissaire Lausanne Jardins 2014 (CH)
Christophe Ponceau - Scénographe, paysagiste Commissaire Lausanne Jardins 2014 (F)
Yves Lachavanne - Architecte paysagiste SPADOM (CH)
Etienne Balestra - Chef division entretien SPADOM (CH)